What can you do with Keegobot?

Some of our customers

around the world

More effective. More productive.

Your entire team working in a single platform

Improve your team productivity

Our platform gives you the tools to organize your team and maximize your potential


Our multi-agent interface allows you to give personalized, enriched support for your customers and reduce their waiting time. Scale it to your needs.

Internal Chat

Your agents can chat with each other to jointly solve your clients' problems.

Quick answers

Respond quickly and consistently to frequently asked questions by creating predetermined answers.


To handle chat requests and inquiries more efficiently assign your team members to different departments based on their expertise, like sales or customer support.


Chats can be transferred from agent to agent or to a different department.

Exceed customer expectations

Your customers expect excellent service in every communication they have with your company. Our platform takes you to that goal.

Automated Messages

Set automatic messages to specific situations, like welcome, good bye or when there are no available agents.


Send notifications and alerts to your customers


Our chatbot will automatically attend incoming chats and assign them to the department selected by the customer, so they always talk to the right agent.

Make decisions based on objective data

Our platform provides you with valuable information to understand how your organization is performing and how to improve.

Service Rating Chatbot

Our chatbot will allow your customers to rate your customer service and give you important feedback so that you can make performance improvements.

Advanced reports

Monitor your team’s performance. Review each agent’s response time, resolution time, amount of tickets (o queries?) solved , etc. Make data driven decisions.


Control the response time of your agents and the quality of service provided to your customers by auditing in real time.